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Three methods that are commonly used to solve disputes are called negotiation, arbitration, and mediation. The description of negotiation is that it is the process by which people involved in a dispute discuss their problems and they try to reach an agreement. The decription of arbitration is that it is a way of settling a dispute without going to trial. The people who disagree with each other select one or more people to listen to their disagreement's and they make a decision for them. An arbitrator acts like a judge. They have the authority to make the final decision. The description of mediation is that it is an act or process resolving a disagreement bwtween two or more people. They then talk about their problems and they try to come up with a solution that all parties agree on. 

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For my group project, we made a power point presentation on chapter 4 which was called, "settling disputes". Chapter 4!.ppt

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