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Dear Learning Community Students:


This semester BHCC is participating in a national learning community survey that you can take on-line.  We are asking you to take a few minutes to complete the on-line survey before the end of the fall semester.


This on-line survey will give us better information about how we are succeeding in meeting student needs and learning outcomes in our learning communities. All survey responses are anonymous. 


Here is the link to the survey.  http://tinyurl.com/y8ls9xu


At the start of the survey, you will see 4 “fields” that will require you to choose among options:


1.  Name of College (text box).

  • Type in “Bunker Hill Community College.”


2. Type of Learning Community (pick only one)


  • If you are in the Learning Community Cluster choose the following option:
    • A common cohort of students enrolled in two or more classes who attend these classes            together (e.g. minimally all students in class A are in class B)


  • If you are in a Learning Community Seminar choose the following option (even if your Seminar is also linked with another course in a Cluster):
    • A cohort enrolled in a learning communities program where students share a common experience, such as a single course, seminar, and/or integrative project


3. Learning Community ID # (drop down menu 1 -30)

  • Choose “1” if you are in a Learning Community Cluster.
  • Choose “2” if you are in a Learning Community Seminar (even if that Seminar is also a Cluster).


4. Learning Community Courses (pick only one)

___ Pre-college (developmental) classes

___ Pre-college and college level classes

___ College level classes only


  • If you are in a Learning Community Cluster, choose the option appropriate to your Learning Community Cluster.


  • If you are in a Learning Community Seminar that is linked with another course, choose the appropriate option (“pre-college and college level classes” if your Seminar is linked to a developmental course, “college level classes only” if your Seminar is linked to another college level class).


  • If you are in a stand-alone Learning Community Seminar, choose option three above (College level classes only).


Thanks in advance for completing this on-line survey!



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